Saturday, March 6, 2010

Republican Candidates for Ohio's 18th Congressional District

Here are the candidates for Ohio's 18th Congressional District. My choice is Jeanette Moll. I'm not sure which of these candidates also ran in the 2008 primary election, but I know Jeanette and Fred Dailey did. Fred won the primary and then lost the general election to Zack Space. Bob Gibbs has now thrown his hat into the ring. Senator (State) Gibbs has the endorsement of the NRCC. That alone is enough to insure I won't support him in the primary. The NRCC is not listening to the grassroots people. Ever since the Republicans didn't force the corrupt Bob Ney from office, I've stopped contributing to the national party. I only contribute to individuals. I've ruled Fred Dailey out because he has had a long career in Ohio's state bureaucracy.

My reasons for supporting Jeanette are pretty straight forward. She is pro-life, pro traditional marriage, for reducing taxes, for controlling spending, opposed to a federal takeover of health care, and for enforcing our immigration laws. Plus, she is a new face. She is not a member of "the old boys club." I want someone who has not been involved in government at the state or national level. I want fresh ideas and a different approach to solving problems. For that matter, I want a different approach to deciding what is and what is not a problem. For example, education is not a problem that needs a Federal solution. Leave it to the states. As some wise man once said: "Insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results." If we keep sending knowledgeable bureaucrats and folks who have turned into professional politicians to Washington we will just get more of what we've gotten in the past.

Candidate In State Out of State
Zachary T Space (D) $141,950 (39%) $218,500 (61%)
Bob Gibbs (R) $88,410 (95%) $4,900 (5%)
Jeanette M Moll (R) $59,140 (95%) $3,150 (5%)
Fred L Dailey (R) $37,200 (97%) $1,250 (3%)
Pat Carlisle (R) $0 (0%) $0 (0%)
Hombre Liggett (R) $0 (0%) $0 (0%)

I tried to straighten up the chart above, but can't figure out how to do it. The bottom line is Jeanette is in the number 2 spot in raising Republican money. I'm not sure how long Bob Gibbs has been raising money, but Jeanette has been working on it since the last election, at least as far as I know. Guess I'll contribute a few more bucks to Jeanette and hope she wins the primary. However all that said, I suspect that whomever wins the Republican primary will be able to defeat Mr. Space. I think it's going to be a bad year for incumbents of either party.

Monday, March 1, 2010

C.S. Lewis on the Existence of God

The "Moral Argument" for C. S. Lewis is as follows:

1. If God does not exist, objective moral values & duties do not exist.

2.) Objective moral values & duties do exist.

3.) Therefore, God exists.

There's that pesky word "objective" again. That seems to be the key to most arguments, doesn't it? If there is no such thing as objective truth or absolute truth, you can't really have an argument, can you? The argument turns into a discussion (quarrel ?) of opinions, and by definition opinions are subjective, not objective.